
We want to invite you to take part in the First International “Transcont Caspian 2024” conference, which will take place on October 30-31, 2024 in InterContinental Almaty hotel (Almaty, Kazakhstan). The conference will be dedicated to highlighting the problems of container logistics in the region of the South Caucasus, Caspian Sea and Central Asia.

The past two years have been difficult for the CIS transport industry: transit container routes have changed, many shipping lines have abandoned ship calls at Russian ports, interest in the Trans-Siberian route has dropped significantly, giving way to interest in the more logistically complex Trans-Caspian route. Due to sanctions, cargo traffic to Russia and Central Asian countries through Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan has sharply increased. However, the infrastructure of these countries was not ready to accept the manifold increase in the volume of container shipments, both import and export. The growth of the Central Asian countries’ own economies, as well as the growth of containerization of export flows, is also making serious adjustments to the work of the region’s transport industry. Among the topics of the “Transcont Caspian 2024” conference:

the role of Baltic ports in the transit of goods for Central Asian countries;

what is slowing down the growth of cargo turnover through the Trans-Caspian corridor?

how is the problem of bottlenecks on railways in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan being solved?

problems and prospects for expanding capacity in the direction of China;

the specialized warehouses and “dry” terminals shortage problem;

the state and prospects of export cargo containerization in the region.

Why? We are sure that the Central Asia countries’ economy will continue to develop at an impressive pace. The EBRD predicts that in 2024 Kazakhstan’s GDP will grow by 4.5%, Kyrgyzstan’s one – by 6.9%, and Uzbekistan’s and Tajikistan’s GDPs will grow by 6.5%. An additional incentive for the growth of container turnover in this region is the impressive volumes of intermediary trade with Russia, and this was a significant growth factor for many Central Asian economies in 2023. In addition, the Russian economy growth also entails a projected increase in imports, which will pass through the Baltic states, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. This is a new growth point for the entire container business in the CIS and neighboring countries.

Attend “Transcont Caspian 2024” conference in Almaty to meet leading cargo owners/shippers, carriers, forwarders, ports and terminals who are interested in building stronger business relationships in the Caucasus, Caspian and Central Asia region.

Why have we chosen Almaty? Firstly, it is the unofficial capital of Kazakhstan, where the offices of the country’s leading companies are located. Secondly, Almaty is the financial, scientific, cultural, economic, historical and production center of Kazakhstan.

Notice! The second day of the forum on October 31 will be dedicated to informal communication among partners. We will visit the Charyn Canyon, one of the most spectacular natural attractions in Kazakhstan and even in Central Asia. Among the Kazakh steppe, very close to the Chinese border, over millions of years the Charyn River has carved a canyon that has the same beauty that has its brother – the Grand Canyon in Arizona. While having a walk along the riverbed, you will see giant castles, bizarre buildings and shapes created by Mother-nature. The journey from Almaty is not close – it takes about two hours to get there – but nothing is important when you see the incredible beauty of this place. It is worth noting that Charyn is the only canyon on the Eurasian continent. On the way, it’s planned to have a lunch with dishes of Uyghur cuisine.


October 30-31
By order


The registration fee for participation in the conference for companies from the CIS countries, Turkmenistan and Georgia (per 1 delegate) is accepted exclusively in EURO and will be:

655 € if paid before July 1, 2024

705 € if paid after July 1, 2024

755€ if paid after September 1, 2024

We provide a 10% discount for the participation of 3 delegates from one company. If 4 or more people from the company participate, a 15% discount is provided.

The price includes meals: 2 coffee breaks, lunch and dinner. Hotel accommodation is not included in the registration fee.

The additional payment for the second (excursion) day will be:




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